Hey friends! This is my first blog post!
I am so excited for this website and where my photography is going! I'm so glad that you are here reading and supporting my journey. I'll be updating this as regularly as school and life allows me to!
I wanna discuss some more things about myself that are a little bit more personal than an "About" page. A friend once told me, that when I love something, I love it so passionately and don't let it go easily. I never realized that about myself until that was said and I totally agree. That is how I feel about my friends, places I've traveled to, certain dreams or passions I have and, you guessed it, photography. Photography is my way with communicating with the world, which sounds cheesy, but it's true. I think it's amazing how we have all the access to anything we could ever see! Yeah, that can have some downfalls, such as overexposure to certain things or photographs. What I love about being a photographer is that, while pretty much every place on this planet has already been shot before, every location is felt differently and that shows through the photo. While it is hard sometimes to put something out there for people to see that has already been seen or done before, I still have to make the choice to say "I experienced that! I have proof and it was amazing!"
As a photographer, especially now where everybody has access to cameras, I have to make the effort to make beautiful work despite what others may think about it. We live in such an outwardly opinionated culture that things get shot down fairly quickly. I often find myself focusing too much on how many likes my work gets on Instagram and I place the value of my work, and sometimes even myself, on what other people think. I am here to say that this is the normal life of a photographer and it's a daily task to decide not to think that way. I have to wake up and know that God gave me this talent and passion for a reason and know that it is going to be appreciated in ways I can't even imagine.
I don't want to write too much for my very first post! But if you have made it this far, I appreciate you! Thank you, again, for supporting me! Feel free to comment what you think about this or my website!
***Some upcoming locations! I will be in Albuquerque/Santa Fe on October 5th-8th if you want to meet up and I can take your pictures!***
This was taken by my high school best friend, Rose, while on a trip to California, at the Getty Museum near LA. I love the West Coast so if ya wanna travel with me, let's be friends!