Daniel and Blaise
Haven’t posted a blog in a hot minute and this one will be a bit different. I am going to try to use my blog to post more photos from certain sessions. Don’t worry, I will also blog about my uncalled for ramblings about what God is doing in my life!
Daniel and Blaise. My goodness. No one asked for it but I am going to give a short rambling as to why they are so important to me.
I went to high school with Daniel and we started out as carpool buddies. We were both previously homeschooled and so going to high school, even though it was a small prep school, still seemed daunting, at least to me. It was nice to know that I had a friend who had the same beliefs as me in my same grade. Some really weird school projects, several roller skating weekends, and failed attempts at lunch Bible study times make Daniel such a treasured friend. The high school and college years came and went and I would say, we stayed pretty good friends. It was the start of my last year of college (so a little over a year ago) and I met up with Daniel to catch up about life. We talked about how all of our friends were getting engaged, married or having kids. We both agreed how we felt like other people are moving on but we haven’t. I had mentioned to him how I was feeling stuck in terms of relationships. He told me about this girl that he had liked and was already friends with her but he wanted to see how she felt. That girl, he is now engaged to.
This past summer I met up with Daniel to tell him how my last year of college was, how my summer was going up in Glorieta and how I was applying for an internship. He mentioned Brennan, his soon-to-be brother-in-law, cause he also applied for that internship. SO, it’s crazy how God works because now I have my boyfriend, Brennan, out of this whole thing!
To see Blaise with Daniel together is such an answer to so many prayers and heartbreaks. I see that Daniel can be himself and not have to limit himself. They are so sweet and goofy. They have been able to learn from and grow with each other. Their care for each other, others, and the Lord shines so brightly and I am honored to know them.