What’ya (Jade) up to?
I want to give everyone an update as to what is happening in my life.
For a majority of the people, I assume, that are or have been reading my blog, know me personally and, therefore, know kind of what is happening in my life and knows who I am. For those of you who don’t know me, well here will be an introduction and present life update!
My name is Jade! I was born and raised in New Mexico. I love it here. I can’t imagine living anywhere else, despite my love and longing to be by the beach. I am from Albuquerque but I have been going to school in Las Cruces for the past 3 years at New Mexico State University. Last summer, I worked at Glorieta Camps (4 hours North from Las Cruces and 1 hour North from Albuquerque) as a part of their media staff. (I can’t stop talking about them and my experience because it is the literal best.) It was there where everything clicked for me as a photographer. In school, I am studying art and how photography is linked with that and how photography is art. My classes were never a passion of mine or anything I had much interest in, despite me studying photography. When I went to camp, it was there when I knew this was the type of photography I wanted to do forever. I was able to use this God-given passion and ability and use it to capture Him working through campers.
When I came back to school in August after the summer, I felt stuck and discontent because I felt so much peace and assurance from the people I was working with but also because I knew that was the type of photography I love so much. Going back to classes felt so useless but I was able to focus that energy into pushing my photo business further and develop a website. I was able to shoot so many lovely and beautiful people and put them on this website. (Seriously click through and see all my beautiful friends!!!) By the end of the semester, even though I was taking pictures a lot, I felt so burnt out! Before leaving for Christmas break in December, Organ Mountain Outfitters (https://www.organmountainoutfitters.com) messaged me on Instagram and asked if they could work with me and have me shoot for them. I was STOKED. God provided yet another opportunity for me to take pictures and get paid for it. I never did any commercial work at that point but I started shooting for them and it has been the best thing!!! I have been able to reach new people on social media, get my name out there, meet so many new and inspiring people locally!
I have also been shooting for Walk in Love, a Christian based clothing company, (https://www.shopwalkinlove.com) for some of their products! They also posted a blog featuring one of my beautiful roommates (https://www.shopwalkinlove.com/blogs/walk-in-love/walk-in-love-x-okay-lets-do-this-jade-wilson-photography). I have shot some stuff for an online magazine based in California called Sincerely Kindred (http://www.sincerelykindred.com) and have my images in a blog (http://www.sincerelykindred.com/kindredblog/2018/3/20/surrendering-revenge) as well as an April devotional (WHICH YOU ALL SHOULD READ BECAUSE IT IS SO GOOD) (https://indd.adobe.com/view/a27720b6-65f0-410f-9083-423e98129f3d). On top of all of this fun work, I have been taking 20 credits at NMSU and doing video and photo projects for students at the Christian Challenge here.
Now, I am not saying all of this to boast about MYSELF and how good I AM but instead how good God has been in providing all of these opportunities! I have been having hard times where I feel like I am not good enough and I don’t stand out as a photographer but I have to take a step back and remember that it isn’t about me. I am not a photographer because I want my name to be out there. When my name is out there, they can come to my website and read how good God is and how He works through broken people!
Okay, to finally get back to what will be happening after graduation. I will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts, studio art, emphasis in photography, this May (LORD WILLING). After that, I will be moving to Glorieta for this summer and working on Media Staff again! I will also be shooting my roommate’s, Emily, wedding in Albuquerque. After this summer, I am not sure what I will be doing but I am excited to see where God will lead me and how He will use me!
Thanks for reading up to this point! If you have any comments or questions, or, honestly, even concerns, COMMENT below!!!! (ALSO ONE OF MY OTHER ROOMMATES, Amanda, TOOK THIS PICTURES and she isn't a photographer and I am so proud of her!!!)