Expected Promises

I’m going to start this blog post but I don’t know what it will end up including or how God will speak through me but I am going to start anyway. 

    The past month or so I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting. This time 3 years ago, I was about to graduate high school and I was devastated because I was going to leave all of my friends and family and start a new life in college. I had no idea where or how God was going to use me. I just knew that I was leaving and everything was changing. This time 2 years ago, I was moving into a new house with 3 girls I didn’t know very well and I didn’t know what was going to happen or how the house dynamics would look like. This time 1 year ago, I broke off a relationship that wasn’t the best and I was stepping into a camp I knew no one and no idea as to what I would be doing. Now, I am crying over new college friendships and roommates, longing for a relationship and I am back at camp with new friends. It is crazy how much God can work in a short year. 

    I graduated college on May 12th and it felt so surreal, it still does. Your whole life is about school and making it through college and then after that, your life is supposedly supposed to start. But what is so neat is that God has used me more in college then I could have ever anticipated. I was able to witness to students on campus, invest in girls through discipleship and love/grow with my roommates and new friends in my classes and ministry. I was and am able to use the passions and abilities God has placed on my heart for the good of others, in my college ministry but also here at camp. 

    This past month has been hard because of mourning over a new part of life and leaving the best one behind, that I have completely forgotten what it all is about. It is about God’s kingdom and how every heartache is for a reason. I have been reminded of His promises and that even when I am in a place I don’t necessarily want to be in, He uses me anyway, I just have to have an open heart and mind to see how He uses me. I am astounded to see what God can do when I give it all to Him. Prayers have been answered, mindsets have been altered and my heart has been opened. 

    So I am currently at camp and I have been trying to sit in this season of life instead of rushing into the next and soaking in the beauty, love and grace that our Creator so wonderfully offers. 


Summer 2018


What’ya (Jade) up to?